chicks in pointy hats

This is a blog that celebrates women who are bishops in the Episcopal and Anglican Church. There are still some parts of the world where women cannot be bishops. Here's hoping that the "stained glass ceiling" will break soon in those parts!

This blog was created with the hopes that those interested in church (especially young girls) who are searching the net will come across this page (hopefully the catchy title helps!) and find it inspiring and informative.

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Celebrating of Women's Ministry in the Episcopal Church July 26. Presiding Bishop to Attend

Celebrate the Ministry of All Women

on the occasion of

The 40th Anniversary of Women’s Priestly Ordination


PHILADELPHIA, PA  – On Saturday, July 26th, the Diocese of Pennsylvania in conjunction with others throughout the church is hosting a joyful celebration of the 40th anniversary of women’s ordination to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church. The ministry of all women: past, present and future, is the focus for the full day of programming to include a morning symposium at Temple University, an afternoon Holy Eucharist at Church of the Advocate where the 1974 ordinations took place, and a reception and ministry exposé in the Paul and Christine Washington Center gymnasium on the campus of The Advocate. Women and men of all church orders and dioceses are invited to sign-up for space to display and discuss particular ministries where women are vitally engaged especially in leadership roles. This should be an exciting day-end gathering that celebrates not only the courage of the men and women who engaged the Spirit-led irregular ordinations of 40 and 41 years ago, but also demonstrates the enormous array gifts that propels God’s love and grace into the world.

At the symposium (8:30 a.m. to 2 pm), Dr. Fredrica Thompsett, Mary Wolfe Professor Emerita of Historical Theology at Episcopal Divinity School, will serve as keynote speaker. A panel discussion and luncheon will follow. Panelists include the Rt. Rev. Dr. Carol Gallagher, the Rev. Miguelina Howell, the Rev. Pamela Nesbit, Archdeacon, and Nokomis Wood. The panel will be moderated by the Very Rev. Katherine H. Ragsdale, Dean and President of the Episcopal Divinity School. The Rev. Dr. Nancy Wittig, one of the original Philadelphia eleven ordinands, will close the symposium with a meditation. At 3 pm, our Presiding Bishop, the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, will preside and preach at the Holy Eucharist at Church of the Advocate just blocks from the symposium site.